It’s just good coffee.

Freshly Roasted Specialty Coffee —

8:28 Coffee Co freshly roasts high quality specialty coffees. Our sweet spot is lightly roasted coffees, where we think coffee’s natural origin characteristics best shine.

Roasted whole bean coffees —

Check out our newest coffees.


Long Miles Gaharo Hill

We have been waiting for this one for a while. We’re so excited to be able to share this coffee with y’all. Long Miles Coffee Project is a great organization that is providing tangible life-altering benefits to smallholder farmers in Burundi. We were lucky enough to be one of the few roasters to get our hands on some of their coffee this year.

Tangerine and rose notes make this coffee super special. Not only does this coffee deliver in aroma and flavor, the body is also delicate and exceptional!

Costa Rica 

Hacienda Sonora

This coffee comes from a 5th generation family farm in Costa Rica and is a funky treat! It’s an anaerobic natural coffee with tons of fruit-forward acidity and sweetness. I typically taste notes papaya, red grape, and honeydew when sipping on this guy.

We believe our coffee is only as good as the beans we use.

Brew Guides —

Check out our brew guides for (hopefully) helpful tips on your preferred brewing device.


